Lose Weight Now – Faster or Slower the choice is yours
Rapid Weight Loss Plan
The CD Rapid Weight Loss Plan specifically aims for accelerated fat burning in response to your uniquely designed eating program, until you reach your healthy weight.
For those who have lifelong battles with excess weight and obesity there are a number of weight loss medications that are very effective in both the weight loss and weight maintenance phase.
CD Stepped Weight Loss Plan
The Como Diagnostic Stepped/Intermittent Weight Loss Plan is typically a month on a month off approach to weight loss that adopts a stepped approach to success. That is, an individual is required to lose a small amount of body weight and then maintain that weight loss for the following month, which is followed by another bout of weight loss and maintenance, and so on, until a realistic and sustainable weight loss is achieved.
Maintaining Weight Loss
Having reached your weight loss goal you will be transitioned into a lifelong sustainable healthy eating program.
This phase is really crucial and can determine your future weight trajectory. At Como Diagnostic we stress that ongoing medical supervision is the key to staying on track.
The ‘NEW’ Normal
Now that you have sustained your weight loss and have kept on track, you will learn strategies for creating a healthy lifestyle, coping with social challenges around food and easy ‘hacks’ that will get you back on track when you have slipped up.
Weight Loss Medications
If you have tried diet and exercise but haven’t been able to achieve significant weight loss then a prescription weight-loss drug might be an option for you.
You should know, however, that prescription weight-loss drugs are used in addition to — not instead of — diet and exercise but can be a useful adjunct to our weight loss programs.
Fresh vegetables & fruit, clean sources of protein such as fish, lean meat and chicken as well as high quality fats such as avocado, olive oil and some nuts form the basis of all our weight loss programs.
Our weight loss and weight stabilisation programs conform to the principles of anti-inflammatory nutrition which is now known to reduce inflammation at a cellular level – preventing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, some cancers and cardiovascular disease.
Nutritional Supplementation
At Como Diagnostic we know that sometimes it is not possible to be fully prepared all the time especially with the commitments of modern day life and working schedules.
As such we can advise about the judicious use of a number of highly nutritional meal replacements and snack foods – these include Protein Shakes, Protein Soups & Energy Bars.
The Benefits of Weight Loss
Each of us is different and no one diet is going to work for everyone.
Accelerated fat loss in our Rapid Weight Loss Plan ensures early success & is a potent motivating factor for continued weight loss
Stepped Weight Loss is a ‘marathon not a sprint approach’ and enables small easy changes that can be assimilated into your lifestyle
Increased energy
Improved mood
Improved concentration
Improved sleep quality
Internalization of healthy eating patterns & portion sizes
Reduced reliance on medication
Reduced abdominal bloating
Better blood sugar control
Blood pressure reduction
Decreased risk of developing chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and some cancers