

How a Medical Detoxification Program Can Get Things ‘Moving’

By | March 12th, 2018|Detoxification, Diet, Elimination Diet, Gut Health, Microflora, Nutrition, Probiotic|

If you experience bloating after eating, intermittent constipation, abdominal discomfort & pain associated with aching joints and fatigue a Medical Detoxification Program might be the answer for you. People either swoon or cringe when they hear the word “detox.” Those who stand behind it claim it gets rid of their symptoms—everything from brain fog to joint pain [...]

The Gut-Brain Connection

By | May 29th, 2017|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Microflora, Nutrition, Probiotic|

New and evolving research reveals a number of health implications of the bacteria that call our guts home - from immunity through to weight loss. We are delighted to share with you some information about the importance of healthy gut bacteria for our digestive health, general health, and even mental health. This includes: The role [...]

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