

The Dangers of Belly Fat

By | February 10th, 2019|Belly Fat, Diet, Exercise, Nutrition, Visceral Fat|

Weight loss is not just about aesthetics, in fact weight loss is an imperative for those of us who have excess visceral fat or belly fat. Excess visceral fat exposes us to an increased risk of many chronic diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disease and is now considered to be more dangerous than excess subcutaneous fat that we [...]

Fish Oil Supplements – What You Need to Know

By | July 24th, 2018|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Healthy Fats, Microflora, Nutrition|

It seems that every other day there is conflicting information about the benefits of a particular diet, medication or health supplement. In recent days the health benefits of fish oil or Omega 3 fatty acids as supplementation have been called into question with the release of the Cochrane review of the role of Omega 3 fatty acids [...]

Lift Weights and Eat More Protein – Especially If You’re Over 40

By | April 24th, 2018|Diet, Exercise, Nutrition, Protein, Weight Training|

A recent comprehensive scientific review of research which aggregated the results from the best past studies of weight training and protein & recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that weight training combined with eating more protein will make you stronger than just weight training alone. This finding was not limited to [...]

How a Medical Detoxification Program Can Get Things ‘Moving’

By | March 12th, 2018|Detoxification, Diet, Elimination Diet, Gut Health, Microflora, Nutrition, Probiotic|

If you experience bloating after eating, intermittent constipation, abdominal discomfort & pain associated with aching joints and fatigue a Medical Detoxification Program might be the answer for you. People either swoon or cringe when they hear the word “detox.” Those who stand behind it claim it gets rid of their symptoms—everything from brain fog to joint pain [...]

Do You Need Cardio For Fat Loss?

By | December 4th, 2017|Exercise, Nutrition, Protein|

Losing weight is a simple process and basically comes down to creating an energy deficit — that is, burning more calories than you eat - apply this formula consistently, and the scale will  tell you that you’re getting lighter.  But is weight loss the same as fat loss? Not really. How you create that all important energy deficit will [...]

Taking Control Over the Festive Season – Let’s Make a Plan!

By | November 9th, 2017|Exercise, Lifestyle Medicine, Nutrition|

Another year is almost over, bringing with it all the celebrations and holidays of the festive season. There's temptations to eat out more, drink more alcohol and skip your regular exercise routine. Don't let your hard fought health victories be undermined by bad food and lifestyle choices this festive season. Our patients often tell us [...]

A Personalised Diet Better Suited to You

By | November 8th, 2017|Diet Algorithms, Glycemic Index, Gut Health, Microflora, Nutrition, Protein|

The Future of Dieting - A Personalised Approach Research increasingly suggests that each of us is unique in the way we absorb and metabolise nutrients - we are at the dawn of a new age in highly personalised diets. The evidence isn't quite there yet but we are fast approaching it - read on for [...]

How Protein Intake Influences Fat Storage and is One of the Keys to a Better Body Shape.

By | October 16th, 2017|Nutrition, Protein|

To maintain a healthy body weight in the long term it’s important to retain as much fat-free mass and muscle as possible - protein intake is key to this. Whether you’re in a weight-loss or weight-maintenance phase, the combination of protein consumed in the correct quantities and a moderate exercise routine has been shown to increase [...]

Weight Loss – Knowing is NOT the same as doing

By | October 2nd, 2017|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Nutrition|

We’re living in an era of unparalleled access to information. A swipe on our phone can reveal the nutrient value of 100g of fresh salmon or a pizza from a fast food outlet. Packaged food items are labelled with ingredients and nutritional values listed as a legal requirement under consumer law. There are any number of TV [...]

The Gut-Brain Connection

By | May 29th, 2017|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Microflora, Nutrition, Probiotic|

New and evolving research reveals a number of health implications of the bacteria that call our guts home - from immunity through to weight loss. We are delighted to share with you some information about the importance of healthy gut bacteria for our digestive health, general health, and even mental health. This includes: The role [...]

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