Gut Health

/Gut Health

How a Medical Detoxification Program Can Get Things ‘Moving’

By | March 12th, 2018|Detoxification, Diet, Elimination Diet, Gut Health, Microflora, Nutrition, Probiotic|

If you experience bloating after eating, intermittent constipation, abdominal discomfort & pain associated with aching joints and fatigue a Medical Detoxification Program might be the answer for you. People either swoon or cringe when they hear the word “detox.” Those who stand behind it claim it gets rid of their symptoms—everything from brain fog to joint pain [...]

A Personalised Diet Better Suited to You

By | November 8th, 2017|Diet Algorithms, Glycemic Index, Gut Health, Microflora, Nutrition, Protein|

The Future of Dieting - A Personalised Approach Research increasingly suggests that each of us is unique in the way we absorb and metabolise nutrients - we are at the dawn of a new age in highly personalised diets. The evidence isn't quite there yet but we are fast approaching it - read on for [...]

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