7 Step Anti-Ageing Plan
Our 7 Step Plan is not just about looking & feeling younger it is also about protecting against some of the major diseases of ageing.
Control your Weight (Bust Belly Fat)
The biggest health challenge we face as we get older is the accumulation of fat in our tissues as a result of eating in excess of our calorie requirements.
The presence of excess visceral fat is a lead determinant of inflammatory disease eg. Metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardio vascular disease & some cancers and unhealthy ageing.
Learn how to lose and manage your weight with expert guidance from Dr. Sandi – see our Rapid Weight Loss Plan
Eat a Balanced & Varied Diet
At Como Diagnostic we stress 3 things in relation to healthy nutrition and slowing the ageing process
• Eat according to the principles of the anti-inflammatory diet
• Food is fresh & unprocessed – vegetables, fruit, fish and lean meats (minimal) and includes healthy fats such as avocado & olive oil and some nuts
• Food is consumed in appropriate quantities for your energy needs whether you are in weight loss or weight maintenance mode
Achieve Peak Health with Quality Supplementation
Our supplement strategy focuses on the following
1. Optimising nutritional status and correcting deficiencies
2. Ameliorating the 3 processes that are directly related to the ageing process and they are – oxidative stress, advanced glycation and excessive inflammation
3. Improving digestive and intestinal health
4. Boosting the immune system
5. Supporting a specific body system such as bone, skin and joints
Fine Tune your Hormones
Production of hormones such as DHEA, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone all decrease as we age.
By adjusting your hormones to appropriate levels you can achieve quite marked improvement in your energy levels & feeling of well being
Exercise for Anti Ageing
People who exercise tend to have improved immune and digestive functioning, better blood pressure and bone density, and a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain cancers.
What could be clearer?
At Como Diagnostic we can put together an exercise program that can bring about all these positive changes tailored specifically to your needs. Talk to our team fitness mentor Sim Flint for advice & guidance.
Achieve Restful Sleep
Research shows that not getting enough sleep, or getting poor-quality sleep, increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes – in other words all the precursors of inflammatory change and chronic disease.
At Como Diagnostic we can advise on sensible adjustments that you can make to your every day schedule that can set you up for a better night’s sleep.
Learn to Counter Stress
Chronic Stress accelerates the ageing process. There are a number of strategies that can counter the effects of stress and these are mindfulness, meditation and exercise. As part of our anti- ageing program, Dr. Sandi and her team have put together a number of strategies that can help counter stress and bring about the benefits of a healthier relaxed state of mind.