Monthly Archives: October 2017


How Protein Intake Influences Fat Storage and is One of the Keys to a Better Body Shape.

By | October 16th, 2017|Nutrition, Protein|

To maintain a healthy body weight in the long term it’s important to retain as much fat-free mass and muscle as possible - protein intake is key to this. Whether you’re in a weight-loss or weight-maintenance phase, the combination of protein consumed in the correct quantities and a moderate exercise routine has been shown to increase [...]

Weight Loss – Knowing is NOT the same as doing

By | October 2nd, 2017|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Nutrition|

We’re living in an era of unparalleled access to information. A swipe on our phone can reveal the nutrient value of 100g of fresh salmon or a pizza from a fast food outlet. Packaged food items are labelled with ingredients and nutritional values listed as a legal requirement under consumer law. There are any number of TV [...]

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